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How set MOTD per user 본문


How set MOTD per user

일처리 2021. 11. 21. 20:39


few times ago I wrote post about motd

and AFAIK it showes for all user on this server
but i did not want to show to another people, so i tried some way to fix it

actually it is not to normal way, but it works

Write profile.d script

Let write script in to /etc/profile.d/usermotd.sh
you can use vi or nano like that sudo vi /etc/profile.d/usermotd.sh

test -e /home/$USER/.motd && cat /home/$USER/.motd

explain about this code test -e $FILE will return success when that file exist
so if that file exist will print /home/$USER/.motd file

Let's try it

Make file on ~/.motd
you can put text what do you want

it is for example


and try to login with ssh


and another account will not show



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